Be careful China! India is not what you think it is…grow up…

The Chinese foreign policy is impatient and their dual standards are clearly visible with the ongoing rhetoric about His Holiness The Dalai Lama’s visit to a part of Indian state bordering China.


Economic and military dominance alone doesn’t make China feel itself a self imagining growing world power as its foreign policy is purely opportunist unlike other countries who give priority to relationship between countries. The Chinese policy concentrates only in growing itself rather than allowing anyone take along with it dealing in exclusive and pure commercial terms.


The fear on Chinese side is clearly visible as they feel threatened by a noble Buddhist monk who is following and preaching his teachings in peace.


His Holiness is more Indian and like every other Indian, he is doing what a citizen in a democratic country does unlike a communist, state controlled, threatening, propagandist Chinese state does.


Intimidating India doesn’t make any sense as China has to grow from child state to a grown up adult state where bilateral talks makes more sense than threatening indirectly of consequences.


India has a strong Prime Minister whose foreign policy is simple and straightforward. Chinese agenda doesn’t stand a chance to make its way. China has to bite its own tongue as India is also equally strong power when it is challenged.


Be careful what you speak China.