“What actually takes place when you physically die? You leave everything behind. You can’t take anything with you. However many motives you may have for living, you can’t argue with death. You can’t say to death, “I still have to do this and that, please give me another month, another year”. When death comes, it is there, absolutely and finally. You may believe in reincarnation, or in some other form of resurrection in the future, but all beliefs are irrelevant when you are confronted with the fact of death. And if you inwardly die to the psychological structure of society, to all the accumulations of the past, then you will find that death is creation – not the creation of the writer, of the musician, of the painter, of the scientist but a creation which has no beginning and no end. And without being in this state of creation, which is death, which is love, our life has very little meaning.”