From listening there is an action

I’ve been clueless about this latest experience which kept me thinking and have been wondering at the amazing simplicity of the idea. If only if we can understand the meaning, delivered with such alacrity, all the problems in the world will vanish in an instant. Read the following article by J. Krishnamurti, a renowned philosopher and world teacher. The whole article is self explanatory.

From listening there is an action
– J. Krishnamurti

Do you understand what I mean by a reaction? You insult me, you say something which I don’t like, and I react; or I like what you say, and again I react. But is it not possible to listen to what another says without reacting? Surely, if I listen to find out the truth or the falseness of what you are saying, then from that listening, from that perception, there is an action which is not reaction.

Isn’t it amazing? Just read the above again and remember to put it into practice before you hit upon someone with words. And see the miracle happening in your life…just dont forget to remember to stop the words from your mouth before you answer…

a continuation of the above:

Listening is an action in which the miracle of understanding takes place.

If I may turn aside for a moment, I think it is important to understand what it means to listen, for then, perhaps, what is being said will have a meaning beyond the words. It seems to me that very few of us ever do listen. We do not know how to listen. I wonder if you have ever really listened to your child, to your wife or husband, or to a bird? I wonder if you have ever listened to the mind as it watches a sunset, or if you have read a poem with an attitude of listening? If we know how to listen, that very listening is an action in which the miracle of understanding takes place. If we know how to listen to what is being said, we shall discover whether it is true or false. And what is true, one does not have to accept: it is so. It is only when there is contention between the false and the false that there is acceptance and rejection, agreement and disagreement.