I can eat cheese only in summers! (POEM)

{Written on 16th September 2008}

Summer’s still time away before autumn sets in,
I’ve been crazy, waiting for the flower I’ve last seen
It’s time again that the rains have set in
What a refreshing way to look at everything
Crappy thoughts flowing away in the waters like sin…

But the cheese i can eat is still far away until summer sets in!

With the blooming trees and green and green
The birds have set the rhythm clean
Mind scape and rich tones taking shape
The fall has fallen down following way too quickly
Bequeathing nature has shown its nature coldly
When dreading memories have been buried underground completely…

And the cheese i can eat is far away until summer sets in fully!

A different feeling to start everything in just one colour
Taking whatever to cover and warming way down to hover
The blooming flowers, bare trees and a little fire to power
Crazy is what the weather is, that it looks like i’ve lost in time forever
Running to keep myself warm from this disturbing shower
Its a game of life which is playing its part like a haunting dead lover
Whatever reasons i have to escape from these intense thoughts like a white clover…

The cheese that i can eat can be had only when the summer is round the corner!

Oh! Hopes of aplenty and the thoughts of all the cheese in mind
Now it seems like i can have them all once again with the change in time
Summers have sprung up walking slowly to warm the earth
Its time again that i can have my cheese i’ve been waiting for so long
Will use the time that i have in hand to clean up the mess hovering in my mind…

In any case, if i want to eat cheese again after the summer…

I will always remember that I can eat cheese only in summers!