i often wonder… (POEM)

{Witten on 4th July 2008}

When one spends time with oneself, one really gets intrigued by the kind of questions which prop up in the mind asking oneself, the answer to which we find difficult to digest… …something of that kind did struck me recently while walking down the lane on a lonely night with myself…


I often wonder how –
the birds fly and fly and still don’t get tired, why?

I often wonder why –
the flowers bloom full and dies so soon?

I often wonder how –
the waves in the ocean come back and never lose its depth?

I often wonder when –
the resilience began and the tree served its time?

I often wonder why –
the nights are so dark and the stars still give off light?

I often wonder how –
the earth makes round around itself and remains still every second?

I often wonder how –
the beggar begs and lives at the mercy of others.

I often wonder why –
we go through the same path and never cross the line?

I often wonder why –
we fear the word death and adore life to such an extent?

I often wonder why –
the eye catches the details and yet repeats the same mistakes?

I often wonder who –
made the laws that we abide by when we are the one who carry ourselves all along till the end?

I often wonder whether –
ending at the beginning will ever begin at the ending?

I often wonder how –
life goes on and I have never observed…

I often wonder how –
the silence is in the mind and we search everywhere…

I often wonder how –
the search goes on and never ends…..