Meditation in Daily Life

“What is important is the art of meditation. The word ‘art’ means to put everything in its right place. Putting everything in our daily life in the right place, is the art of meditation. When there is in our daily life order, righteous behaviour and a mind that is completely quiet, then the mind will find out for itself whether there is the immeasurable. Until you find that which is the highest form of holiness, one’s life is dull, meaningless, as most people’s lives are. And that is why right meditation is absolutely necessary, so that the mind is made young, fresh, innocent. The word ‘innocency’ means a mind that is incapable of being hurt. All that is implied in meditation, which is not divorced from our daily living. In the very understanding of our daily living meditation is necessary. That is, to attend completely to what we are doing. When you talk to somebody, the way you walk, the way you think, what you think, to give your attention to that. That is part of meditation.”
 – J. Krishnamurti