Mentally sick?

No idea where humanity is heading to these days but a recent report about a commissioner from Idaho, USA shot and killed several animals as part of his pleasure trip in Namibia and doesn’t have any regret for killing all these animals at a short range. This guy is mentally sick who is boasting about his killings as prized trophies. Who in the world would be so insane to kill animals in their habitat? If at all if animals had power to challenge humans, we wouldn’t be boasting as superintelligent species.

Read the article in detail here:

On the other side: USA is a strange place. It’s the world’s biggest economy. Also a country with biggest debt. It has provisions to print endless dollars to escape being default whereas other countries which have pegged their currencies to dollar get screwed royally. It is also a strange country for talking about being open to others and but in fact closed to everyone except select few. It feels its right to bomb cities and wipe out countries out of maps whereas any threat to a its citizen ends in sanctions. Strange thing being how the gun culture is making people sick with shootings every day irrespective of whether it is a child or anyone. There is some mental issue with the american society who have different perception of life. They do not see anything beyond america and the world doesnt exist for them.

Remember, USA is a country of migrants which hardly had any population except natives (most of the natives were hunted and killed who opposed oppressive laws). Animal culture is widely marketed by some americans. Hope i am no authority to advise the people managing the country but as a fellow human being, i would only expect them to be sensible enough to understand that there is life outside USA sick culture.

America is not great, never ever it will be. A bad example of a country one shouldn’t become.