Special differences…

Cubans can – kill with sweet

Chinese can – chiefly be the cheap

Swiss can – sell chocolate and cheese

Japanese can – compete with Robots

French can – market fashion and kiss

Aussies can – hop like kangaroos

Arabs can – live on petrol

Brazilians can – religion the football

Mexicans can – break-dance like salsa

Norgs can – fish and live on mountains

Mauritians can – stock all the black money

Indians can – zero in on to be the geeks

Srilankans can – drown everyone in tea

Italians can – make Pisa with pizza

Russians can – press for beauty and mafia

Pakistanis can – proclaim pirates of everything

Americans can – blackmail and sell slavery

Britishers can – live on rich ancestry

Spaniards can – booze to bullfight

Angolans can – augur their anger at everything

P.S: The thought to write this poem started when i was thinking about how Cuba can fight back the Americans and other nations in their way with other things.

P.S: Every country specialises in one or the other thing. For example Cuba is called the sugar bowl of the world, which means its the largest producer of sugar in the world. Likewise, Srilanka is the largest tea exporter in the world. India invented zero. Spaniards booze a lot. Every village in Brazil has a football ground, important than a church in fact. Americans think they rule the world because they blackmail a lot. Arab countries only revenue source is oil. Switzerland has plenty of cows {first country to issue a chocolate stamp}. China manufactures things dirt cheap because the manpower is cheap. France is known for fashion. Mauritius is a tax haven where money just flows. Russia is ruled by mafia as from the reports. Britain is in the brink of extinction because its power has been reduced, reeling under its past.

P.S: This poem is written neither to humiliate anyone nor praise anybody. Its only that thoughts flow and are put on paper and caught in time.