{Written on 27th May 2004}

I heard a deep cry inside, it sounds like a suicide,
Which made rounds, through the taverns of a desert,
Through the silent mountains, the foggy glaciers, and the stormy slides.
It’s a shrill cry, chilling through the bones, chiselling all the way,
From an unknown compartment to the centre point of the mind,
No water can control the fire that has raged inside the heart,
It’s soon to engulf like a wild storm cleaning everything on its path,
The pain is killing like a sharp knife and chilli peppers in the eyes,
When suffering is inevitable then why do I have to cry?
But I can’t hold on to this thin red line like this forever,
It will break away very soon drowning everyone attached to it like a river,
Oh! my good old senses where are you hiding at these times,
Help me to get out of this situation and through these silent cries,
No friend is in sight nor anyone is seen through the invisible light,
Darkness has clouded the skies dangerously to take everyone for a ride,
I am crying aloud through the silent and the sensitive mind,
No solution appears in the vicinity of the endless skies and the open minds,
Hopes are aloof, strengths and weaknesses taking a joyride side by side.
What should I do when dead men walk through the only nights!
They call me like the silent valleys and heavy dreams, to leave my life,
I lost hopes on life, now I can’t do anything, anytime.
Suicide is suing me to side it when the time has eventually come,
What a situation in which I am when I should have avoided this thing long time,

Hey look at the morning skies, the sun is full, the sky is blue, the birds flying high,
People are laughing loud, the gurus are resting in peace, I found something I think,
It was a dreaded night, with a suing suicide provoking me to take its side,
For the moment I forgot the last flight, the terrible side of a far sight,
But now I am living for those, everyone to see the light.