The Best President of the World – José Mujica of Uruguay

Mr. Jose is someone who has put many, so called, world leaders (in other words, heads of countries) feel ashamed with the kind of humble, simple, austere life he lived/living be it when he was President of Uruguay or post the prime post.


He is someone who speaks what he does and does what he speaks, for the people, for the humans, for the living beings without differentiating good and bad between human or other living beings.


For the world, for the living beings, for the humans, for the environment…’s the greatest living example the world should have as a world leader….Pepe Mujica!!!


The leader anyone will dream want to be…


He says in an interview:


“Imagine we are sailing in a boat and as a species we are responsible for the boats destination. No country can solve climate change alone. We have to take global measures. And i see the world’s powerful leaders worrying about who is going to win the next election.”


“What are we missing?”


“We’re missing leadership.”


“We are missing the decision which says we’re going to improve the entire planet.”


And at the UN summit on climate change…


“Are we ruling globalization or is globalization ruling us? Is it possible to speak of solidarity and everyone being together in an economy based on ruthless competition? How far does our fraternity go?”