To hell with majoritarianism…….who cares?


All the media brain washing and the flowing tons of useless news through social networking channels, the dumb political propagandists and dictatorships can never ever prove truth as false even if it is accepted by those majority ignorant denizens of the world…..truth always remains truth whatever the state of the world affairs maybe…

US is being blunt in its approach at the UN and proving its point so blindly that it wants to be listened when it doesn’t do the same with others (so is China in some cases)……Let the world leaders prove their claim for a unified world and shun idiocy at its footsteps.

What is a UNO platform when only some players try to dominate the game? A selfish game to the core. All the countries should voice their opinions wisely on all world affairs at stake as it matters everyone on earth including the plants, animals and every other living creature sharing its space in the world that do not get to voice their thoughts. Be wise. Let United Nations win.