Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World


Gist of the video: 

  • Humans keep a lot of animals for food. Around 23 billion chickens, 1.5 billion cattle, 1 billion pigs and 1 billion sheep every year.
  • On a global scale, our meaty diet is literally eating up the planet.
  • 83% of farmland is used for animal food production.
  • That’s 26% of earth’s total land area.
  • Livestock accounts for 27% of global freshwater consumption.
  • Only a fraction of the nutrients from fodder end up in the meat.
  • One kilogram of steak needs up to 25 kilos of grain and 15,000 liters of water.
  • Meat just makes up 18% of our calories humans eat.
  • We could nourish an additional 3.5 billion people if we can redirect the resources.
  • 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions are created by the meat industry.
  • Globally, we kill about 200 million animals every day.
  • The majority of antibiotics we use are for livestock – up to 80% in the US.
  • An average American throws out nearly a pound of food per day.
  • Imagine, if animals were to think of humans, they would consider us killers of the planet.

“Humans are rampant genocidal maniacs who thrive on suffering.”


Original Video is from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxvQPzrg2Wg